Channel: Fugget About It
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: canadian mob cartooncookie falconegina falconecanadian mob showfugget aboutforget about itmob tv showjimmy falconespecial agent strait mccoolfugget about itfuggetfuggetaboutitmob cartoonuncle cheechfalconetheresa maria falconefalcone mob
Description: 0:00 - The Balls on this Room! - Jimmy winds up being stalked by his Russian dance partner after he and Cookie face-off in a ballroom dancing contest. 22:28 - The McFrugals - The Falcone family is forced to make sacrifices when Jimmy goes broke. 44:57 - You Only Try Haggis Once - Cookie gets a job at a Scottish restaurant leaving Jimmy to take care of the family. Fugget About It is a new animated comedy sitcom about the misadventures of Jimmy Falcone. Jimmy is a former New York mob boss, who goes from feared capo to friendly Canuck when he and his family enter the witness protection program in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. After Jimmy is asked by his associates in the Gambini crime family to whack his good old Uncle Cheech (who routinely spills mob secrets to any half naked woman he encounters), Jimmy goes to mob boss Don Gambini to plead his uncle’s case. When nothing comes of it, he politely throws Gambini out of a nineteen storey window. With all of New York out to get him, Jimmy has no choice but to turn to the Feds, who move the Falcones to Regina, change their name to MacDougal, and teach them how to live like regular schnooks in the Great White North. #FuggetAboutIt